Colorado Business Brokers

So, How Do We at
Colorado Business Brokers
Measure Up?

Our firm is a collaborative effort of four colleagues. Check out the biographical sketches and contact information for Glen, Michelle, Matt and Amy on our home page.

What that means for you is that you will probably get to know at least three of the four of us as we work with you. Michelle owns our partner brokerage firm in Salt Lake City, however, so unless you’re Utah-bound, it’ll probably just be Glen, Matt and Amy. The three of us cover Colorado.

We represent business sellers as our clients and buyer prospects as customers.  We serve as fiduciary agents of our seller clients, so people define us as “seller brokers.” But we are not short on customer service to buyers. We pride ourselves on doing our homework and that helps both sellers and buyers.

Glen Cooper, our president and founder, has a 43-year track record as a business broker, business appraiser and business coach for small businesses. He is the current president of the Colorado Association of Business Intermediaries (CABI) ( He is also an internationally recognized author and teacher of business brokerage. Check out his book and seminars at

Yet, even with all his experience, Glen Cooper is still our primary first-level contact for prospective sellers. Call him at his private cell phone (303-919-2694) and he’ll return the call. Yes, he’s busy. It may take him a day or two to return your call. But he’ll offer you confidential free advice that will be worth waiting for! There is no charge or obligation for an initial consultation.

As your business brokers in Colorado, our promise is to bring our systems, teamwork and track record to your service.  

We have spent years developing systems for getting sellers ready, for help sellers price their businesses for sale, for creating completely packages for those opportunities, for locating just the right buyers and for getting the transactions completed.

Glen, Matt & Amy make up the Colorado Business Brokers team. But we are also team players with the teams of our clients and customers. We know how selling a business should be done; we know how you want it done; and we know how to fix problems along the way so that sales actually get done! That’s what we mean by “Systems, Teamwork & Track Record.”

That applies to the jobs we do for our sellers to ensure that they get the most for the sale of their businesses. But it also applies to buyers we serve as customers.

We are defenders of our seller client’s asking price, to be sure. But we give buyers truthful and comprehensive information on the businesses we offer for sale. Yes, we are advocates for seller clients. But we are also well-grounded in knowing how to treat prospective buyers fairly.

We understand that the purchase of a business must be fair to both buyers and sellers. It’s nearly always a negotiation to get to a meeting of the minds.

If you are seeking to find the right Colorado business broker to sell your Colorado business, your best start is a free, no-obligation discussion with us. If you want to see what we have for sale, go visit BizBuySell is our partner and places our ads all over the world for us.

If you’re a prospective seller, call Glen Cooper at his personal cell phone (303-919-2694) and leave a message. If you’re a buyer, respond directly on BizBuySell’s website when you see one of our ads.

We add value – even in the first phone call –  to both sellers and buyers. We can save you a lot of time by asking the right questions to see if it makes sense for us to work with you.

For sellers, we’ll agree to confidentiality up-front and tell you right away if we might be your broker. If you’re a buyer prospect calling about one of our businesses=for-sale, we can answer key questions to save you time in your search.